Deep Network GmbH Developers' Blog

Event Hub Consumer Throughput Analysis

In this post we are going to analyze various strategies to increase the throughput in a sample EventHub consumer application. We will try out various scenarios, starting with a baseline to compare results against. During the tests, the Prometheus metric scrape interval is set to 10 seconds. Also, the Grafana dashboards display the latest 15 minutes for each individual task with 10 seconds refresh interval. Each test scenario based on the customization made to the single partition event hub consumer code snippet. In order to see the effects of our improvements, we dedicated event hub sender to send events only to single partition. So, we can say there is no event hub partition parallelism during our tests. In addition to these, we have used Event Processor Host which is an agent for .NET consumers that manages partition access and per partition offset for consumers.

Securing Access to SQL Server with Managed Identities and aad-pod-binding

A common challenge when building cloud applications is how to manage the credentials in your code for authenticating to cloud services. In this blog post, I will try to explain how we managed to transform our application to use managed identities while connecting SQL database instance in pod level by using aad-pod-binding.

Unique Constraints on Partitioned Tables

In this post, you can find 2 scenarios that explain how selected partition key affects unique constraints defined for your partitioned tables. One of them will be straightforward to handle, the other one is more complex.

Database Housekeeping with Sliding Window Partitioning

Due to various reasons, such as DSVGO/GDPR you may want to clean up older data. This generally is also referred as Data Housekeeping, for whatever business reasons. In this blog, we will analyze one such implementation, where we deprecate older than 12 months data.

OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect

Web apps in early 2000 were usually monolithic, having the frontend-backend coupled in the same application, with a server hosting the application end to end. The forms way of authorization was being done in the application, and the web user was authenticated using user agent cookies.